Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Merode Triptych: Baby Christ

Hello there! Sorry, it's been a while (blame Bliss, he's paying far too much attention).

Today we continued our tour of the Netherlands with some Robert Campin and were looking at his Merode Altarpiece c. 1425-28. 

When asked to point out some of the iconography many our our compatriots rose to the occasion magnificently, but all ignored one glaringly obvious figure.

"What is that descending on the ray of light?" Professor Spronk prompted.

Bliss and I hadn't done the readings and had made a pact to sit together whilst avoiding questions, but this was so glaringly obvious Bliss blurted out "It's a little flying man with a cross!"

Compared to the 'eloquent' answers of all the keeners (I use the term lovingly) in the room, this got a few nervous laughs. Bliss - 1, Keeners - 0

So it's the Holy Ghost, I liked Bliss' answer better. So did Professor Spronk who dubbed it "Super Christ Child." Remind me to write that on my midterm on Tuesday.

- Life is good

Shahira (and Bliss)